Sunday, September 15, 2024


 I like Monday morning sensory where I get a foot massage and my hair played with. So snuggly 

Thursday, September 12, 2024


In tactile this week we explored the farm animals. I feel feeling the smooth plastic and looking at the little faces. When I get bored I chuck them away. 


Crafty Creations

I concentrate really carefully on the paintbrush at Justine paints the driftwood. I like seeing her dip her brush and make a mark. We are making such a colourful art piece.


I had fun in music today

I had lots of fun with different instruments. It was a good afternoon


Card Making!!

In girls group we made some special cards for Lenaire and Alysha because they have been away. I was fascinated by the cuttlebug. I watched closely as Amy pushed the paper through and then she let me feel the textured paper by rubbing it against my face. 


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The dishwasher

 My new job at Arohanui is emptying the dishwasher, it makes me so happy, look at my huge smile.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Orchard show

 I liked smelling the flowers, so many different colours and smells for me to explore 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kitchen helper

 I helped to put away the dishes from the dish washer. I am very helpful!

Washing Day

 I helped to empty the washing machine today and hung the clothes out to dry. I love helping.